Professional laboratory analyses provided by Schlötter

Upon request, our well-trained laboratory staff will professionally examine your bath samples using specialised laboratory instruments. We will carry out chemical analysis of your bath samples in our modern service laboratory and a plating test if necessary.
Send us a sample of your electrolyte for laboratory analysis. You can obtain suitable sample bottles from Schlötter.

Laboratory analyses for your benefit

Laboratory analyses offer the benefit of ensuring that processes and electrolytes operate correctly and within the required parameters.

Operating plating processes outside the parameters specified in the technical data sheets (TDS) may lead to defective coatings. In some cases this can lead to a loss of production if electrolytes cannot be corrected and need to be replaced. Regular laboratory analyses ensure that processes operate to their optimum capabilities and protects against financial losses due to downtime or replacement of chemistry.

You can also send us bath samples of your electrolytes if you want to compare the results of your laboratory analyses with ours. We will send you the corresponding analysis results including recommendations on how to correct the electrolytes (if necessary) as soon as possible. All laboratory analysis results are stored in our LIMS database.

State-of-the-art laboratory equipment in use

For the laboratory analysis of your bath or electrolyte, Schlötter uses state-of-the-art technology and instruments. Our laboratory equipment includes four HPLCs and HPTLC. In addition, we use a UV/VIS photometer for laboratory analysis and cyclic voltametry for the determination of organic components, as well as ICP for the determination of foreign metals.


Please contact us if you are interested in laboratory analyses. Your contact for this service is Mr Peter Walz.

+49 (0)7331 205-235