In Geislingen, Schlötter has a fully equipped Tech Centre with tank sizes ranging from 60 to 400 litres. In the Tech Centre, we thoroughly test all newly developed electroplating processes, plate samples for customers, develop technical solutions for the electroplating of difficult parts or special materials. Elaborate testing of electroplating process sequences is also one of the services offered by our team.
Please feel free to send your electrolyte samples or components to our Tech Centre.
Incorrectly operated electrolytes can lead to a reduction or loss of production.
In order to check that electrolytes are stable and operating within specification, they can be analysed in our Tech Centre. In this way we can determine whether or not there are any changes that could lead to variations in the chemical composition or properties of the electrolyte which could adversely affect the deposited layers. Regular analysis and optimization helps to ensure that constant quality is achieved.
If our analysts detect problems with electrolytes during the analysis, they will be happy to work out the required additions or other actions that may be required and provide instructions that will return the process to the optimum operating conditions.
From enhanced corrosion protection, wear resistance to an attractive appearance – there are many reasons for the plating. In our technical centre, our customers can check whether their specific electrolyte is operated according to the technical and optical requirements.
You can send your components to the Tech Center where they will be sample-plated and returned to you after plating. If necessary, we will include suggestions how to achieve a better plating quality.
Some components are difficult to plate. For example, there are new materials or alloys for which no empirical values are yet available for corresponding pre-treatments before coating. In some cases, the base materials are known to be difficult to coat, as is the case with cold-rolled steel, high-alloy manganese steel or cast materials with capillaries. In some instances it can be a matter of surface conditions that are difficult to coat, as is the case with surfaces with blowholes, cracks, double layer formation or blowhole cavities.
We welcome customers to send these problematic parts to our Tech Centre for coating.
Do you have a specific question or would you like other information?
+49 (0) 7331 205-0