Passivations / Chromating

Chromating (based on hexavalent chromium), passivation (based on trivalent chromium) and sealants (organic, inorganic and hybrid) protect zinc and zinc alloy coatings and thus optimise the corrosion resistance of the coating systems. In addition, lubricants can be used to define the coefficient of friction of the surface.

Passivations and chromating are used for

cathodic corrosion protection (CRC)


Product / application

09004 Corrector PSV

Liquid additive used to remove zinc from passivations, thus increasing the service life of the passivating solution.

09009 Post Dip Solution METAPAS CC

Improves adhesion and corrosion resistance of yellow chromated layers.

09018 Chromating SLOTOPAS ZE 10 Black

Black chromating two-step process for zinc-iron alloys. Liquid product.

09024 Post Dip Solution CF

Post-Dip Solution for black chromated zinc and zinc-iron coatings. Fixes the chromate layer and improves its appearance.

09028 Post Dip Solution SLOTOPAS ZN 20

Post-dip sol. for black chromated Zn- and Zn-Fe layers, fixes the chromated layer and improves the appearance.

09029 Chromating SLOTOPAS Z ZE 20 Black

Black chromating process for zinc and zinc-iron coatings. Liquid product.

09030 Chromating METAPAS B BLACK

Black chromating process for zinc coatings from acid and alkaline electrolytes. May also be applied as olive chromating. Solid product.

09033 Sealant SLOTOFIN 10

Organic sealant for chromated or passivated zinc and zinc alloy layers. Produces a uniform appearance and improves the corrosion protection.

09036 Sealant SLOTOFIN VM 1260

Clear, transparent hybrid sealant which contains organic- as well as inorganic components. This film doesn’t only increase the corrosion protection but also reduces the sensitivity towards finger prints and improves the appearance.

09037 Sealant SLOTOFIN 20

Inorganic sealant for chromated respectively passivated zinc- and zinc alloy layers. It produces an uniform appearance and improves the corrosion protection.

09042 Passivation SLOTOPAS ZNT 20

Produces a transparent, weakly bluish finish on zinc-nickel alloys. SLOTOPAS ZN T 20 is operated at room temperature.

09043 Thick Layer Passivation SLOTOPAS HK 10

Produces slightly iridescent conversion layers with excellent corrosion protection. Subsequent sealing gives a uniform transparent surface finish.

09045 Thin Layer Passivation SLOTOPAS Z 20 Blue

Produces bluish-violet conversion layers. Less sensitive towards temperature treatment.

09048 Thick Layer Passivation SLOTOPAS HK 20

Produces slightly iridescent conversion layers on zinc and zinc-iron. Reduces inside corrosion.  Subsequent sealing gives a uniform transparent surface finish.

09052 Passivation SLOTOPAS ZNT 40

Thin Layer Passivation for zinc-nickel alloys. Excellent corrosion protection. Free of flouride.

09056 Passivation SLOTOPAS ZNT 70

Single-component thinlayer passivation for zinc-nickel alloys.

09057 Post-Dip Solution SLOTOPAS NT 10

Post-Treatment for zinc-nickel coatings, for transparent appearance and less sensitve to fingerprints. Replaces the sealing at black passivated parts.

09059 Passivation SLOTOPAS CF 1550

Black chromating for electro deposited Zn-Ni layers which form deep black, uniform surfaces.

09064 Sealant SLOTOFIN 40

Sealant for chromated or passivated zinc and zinc alloys containing nano sized silicon compounds. It gives a clear, transparent surface film after drying and increases corrosion protection and optical appearance.

09067 Sealant SLOTOFIN 70

Sealer produces a nearly closed coating on parts with complicated geometry.

09068 Sealant SLOTOFIN 80

Sealant with very good corrosion protection on the basis of polysilicate.

09069 Post-Dip Solution SLOTOFIN 90

Post-dip solution which forms a transparent protection film. It doesn't only increase the corrosion protection but also reduces the sensitivity towards finger prints and improves the appearance.

09071 Sealant SLOTOFIN 80 L

Sealant with very good corrosion protection on the basis of polysilicate with an integrated lubricant.

09073 Sealant SLOTOFIN GM 1610

Sealant SLOTOFIN GM 1610 is a sealer which is applied by immersion or in centrifuges on passivated or chromated zinc alloy coatings. It serves primarily to produce a defined coefficient of friction on screw heads

09074 Sealant SLOTOFIN GM 1620

Sealant SLOTOFIN GM 1260 is a sealer which is applied by immersion or in centrifuges on passivated or chromated zinc and zinc alloy coatings. It serves primarily to produce a defined coefficient of friction on screw heads

09075 Post-Dip Solution SLOTOPAS NT 1300

The Post-Dip Solution SLOTOPAS NT 1300 is used for posttreatment on already passivated zinc-nickel alloy coatings. The Post-Dip Solution SLOTOPAS NT 1300 is applied as an alternative to a sealant.It can be used for both rack and barrel plating.

09102 Yellow Passivation SLOTOPAS G 20

Intensive yellow passivation without any dye.

09106 Black Passivation SLOTOPAS Z 60

Black passivation at RT for alkaline zinc- and low alloyed zinc-iron layers.

09112 Passivation SLOTOPAS PF 1750

Passivation SLOTOPAS PF 1750 is applied for the posttreatment of Zn-Fe coatings with an iron content of 0.7-1.2% iron. It produves a uniform black conversion layer featuring good corrosion protection in combination with a sealant.

09116 Passivation SLOTOPAS ZNB 60

Cobalt-free passivation witch is used for passivation of electro deposited zinc-nickel alloy layers . It produces a blue, chromium(VI)-free passivation layer with good corrosion behaviour and is suitable for colour coding of articles.

09130 Passivation SLOTOPAS ZN 300

Produces dark conversion layers on zinc-nickel alloys. Gives a uniform black surface finish when followed by a sealant.

09133 Passivation SLOTOPAS Z 30 T

Passivation SLOTOPAS Z 30 T forms on every zinc plated surface an intensive bluish, chromium(VI)-free protection layer with extraordinary good corrosion behaviour.

09150 Chromating METAPAS F yellow CA

METAPAS F yellow CA is intended to yellow chromating of electro deposited zinc coatings. Barrel- and rack parts can both be chromated very well.

09151 Chromating METAPAS F black CA

METAPAS F black CA is intended to black chromating of electro deposited zinc coatings and forms deep black and uniform surfaces. In dry condition these are resistant to abrasion and bending.

09152 Chromating METAPAS 131 CA

METAPAS 131 CA forms a dark olive chromate film on zinc- cadmium- as well as on cadmium alloycoatings, which are mainly deposited from alkaline electrolytes.

09156 Chromating METAPAS olive CA

METAPAS olive CA forms dark-, olive freen chromate films and can be used forrack- as well as for barrel parts.

09159 Chromating METAPAS C black CA

METAPAS C black CA forms deep black chromate films, regardless if the zinc layers have been deposited from acidic, alkaline cyanide-free or cyanidic electrolytes.

09189 Passivation SLOTOPAS PF 1890

Passivation SLOTOPAS PF 1890 contains Cr(III) compounds and fluorides, and no Cr(VI) compounds. SLOTOPAS 1890 prudces black, weakly iridescent layers on zinc-nickel alloys. Passivation SLOTOPAS PF 1890 is used in combination with a subsequent post-dip solution, sealant or topcoat.

09197 Passivation SLOTOPAS PA 1970

Blue thin layer passivation for zinc-nickel alloy layers. Universally applicable for all zinc-nickel alloy layers of Schlötter.

09316 Black Passivation SLOTOPAS ZE 160

Produces black conversion layers on zinc-iron alloys .Subsequent sealing is recommended.

09044 Thin Layer Passivation SLOTOPAS Z 10 Blue

Corrosion resistance according to DIN EN ISO 9227, > 24 h also after heat treatment (120 °C / 24 h).