Schlötter on TPCA 2023

The TPCA Show of the Taiwan Printed Circuit Association (TPCA) is one of the most important events in the electronics industry. The annual show presents the latest advances, products and services in the PCB industry and attracts professionals and companies from all over the world. The products of Dr.-Ing. Max Schlötter GmbH & Co. KG have been offered with great success in Taiwan for decades. This year, for the first time, Schlötter will have its own stand (Stand N, 519) at the TPCA Show, which will be held in Taipei from 25-27 October 2023. The Geislingen-based company is currently in the process of establishing a branch office, the Schlötter Taiwan Branch (愛爾蘭商施洛特有限公司台灣分公司 in Taipei. The branch will start operations at the end of the year. At the fair, Schlötter will present a range of current and new products for the PCB and electronics industry:

  • The cleaners SLOTOCLEAN S 20, SLOTOCLEAN 40 and SLOTOCLEAN S 80, which have an excellent cleaning and wetting effect and are an important basic requirement for filling blind vias.
  • The micro etches SLOTOCLEAN S 40 and SLOTETCH 5840, which combine deoxidation with a defined etch rate depending on the application.
  • The copper baths SLOTOCOUP SF 50, SLOTOCOUP SF 80, which are used with great success for filling and metallising structures with different geometries (conductor tracks, blind vias, through holes). From current research and development, the new copper bath SLOTOCOUP SF 100 for further specialised applications will be presented.
  • The copper bath SLOTOCOUP PRT 3300 (Pulse Reverse) achieves conformal coating of high aspect ratios.
  • The tin baths SLOTOTIN 20-1, SLOTOTIN 40 and the new bisphenol-free tin bath SLOTOTIN MT 1460 exhibit high hiding power and etch resistance even at low coating thicknesses. At the same time, the deposited tin coatings have a very low tendency to whisker formation due to their grain structure and low carbon content.
  • Newly developed processes and an optimised process sequence for ENIG (Electroless Nickel Gold) with excellent bath stabilities and long service lives.
  • as well as a physical test bench developed together with iChemAnalytics to investigate whisker formation and tribological properties of coatings. The test stand is a world first and the tests can be carried out at different temperatures and in the absence of oxygen.

Schlötter also focuses on the CO2 footprint and explains the CO2 footprint of the products it offers and how CO2 emissions can be minimised when using Schlötter processes. The company has set itself the goal of becoming CO2 neutral by 2030 and would also like to support its customers and partners on this path.

We look forward to seeing you at stand N-519.

A Successful Premiere: Schlötter Days 2023

Dr.-Ing. Max Schlötter GmbH & Co KG in Geislingen held its first international sales conference, the “SchlötterDays 2023” from 25-27 September 2023 with sales experts from all over the world. With 95 participants from 22 nations, this event was a significant milestone for knowledge transfer, networking and the further development of sales competencies at Schlötter.

The SchlötterDays kicked off with guided company tours at the headquarter in Geislingen. The participants gained insights into areas such as analytics, R&D with the latest measuring equipment, tech center, product management and marketing.

The goals of the conference were clearly defined: Knowledge transfer was the first priority. On the first day of the conference, the participants were able to learn about current industry trends through keynote lectures from the sister companies (Ireland, Sweden, Singapore, England) as well as short impulse lectures from our experts.

Another important aspect of the SchlötterDays was networking. Participants took the opportunity to establish contact with other sales experts from different countries, cultivate relationships, exchange ideas and explore potential collaborations. The conference also provided an ideal platform on Day 2 to expand professional networks and make new business contacts.

At the social evening, which was a festive highlight of the SchlötterDays, the magnificent 111th anniversary cake for Schlötter created enthusiasm among the participants. In addition, the second day of the conference took the guests on an entertaining trip to the Cannstatter Wasen in Stuttgart in the evening, where many had the opportunity to experience the regional culture and hospitality for the first time.
SchlötterDays 2023 was found to be an extremely enriching experience both professionally and personally. The extremely positive feedback from the participants confirms that this dialogue has made a difference.

Schlötter would like to sincerely thank all participants, speakers and organisers who contributed to this outstanding event. We look forward to the next SchlötterDays and to continuing to shape the ever-changing sales landscape with our innovations and knowledge.

Schlötter on the ZVO-Oberflächentage in Berlin

The ZVO Oberflächentage (Surface Days) have a firm place in electroplating and surface technology. The most important goal of the Surface Days, which take place annually in September, is to link research and practice in surface technology. Core topics here are new areas of application for electroplated coatings, the increasing demands on coated surfaces and dealing with new legal regulations at EU and federal level. In 2023, the industry will meet in Berlin from 13-15 September. Dr.-Ing. Max Schlötter GmbH&Co. KG will also be represented at the Surface Days (stand no. 5). Dr Stefan Henne from Schlötter’s R&D team will be giving a presentation entitled “Durable solution for connectors with exceptional properties: silver-graphite dispersion coatings” (in German) on Friday 15 September 2023 at 10.15 am.

In his lecture, he will look at the advantages of graphite components in silver layers. Even with a graphite content of only 1 percent, significant improvements in coefficients of friction, wear resistance and electrical resistance after load can be achieved. In electromobility, the question still arises as to whether these coatings can also meet the current and future increased requirements for temperature stability and number of mating cycles. In his lecture, Stefan Henne will present initial measurement results with a newly developed test stand and new testing concepts for tribological and electrical properties of coatings. In addition to coefficients of friction, electrical resistances can be determined at the same time. The number of measuring cycles as well as the normal force can be varied in such a way that even very demanding requirements for contact surfaces in plug-in connections can be examined.

We look forward to seeing you at the Schlötter stand.

Electroplating for the energy transition

In order to establish a green hydrogen economy and to promote climate protection, reliable and resource-saving solutions from electroplating technology are needed for both the coating and the coating process of materials. For this field of application, Schlötter has developed innovative electrolytes and functional coating systems that can be used along the entire value chain. Renewable energy can thus be generated, stored, transported and used reliably and in a resource-saving manner.
The use of hydrogen as an energy carrier requires not only electrolytes and coating systems but also new testing methods. In this context, questions concerning material embrittlement (e.g. hydrogen embrittlement), hydrogen permeation as well as the barrier effect of coatings must be given special attention. To answer these questions, iChemAnalytics has developed digitized test methods that provide reliable and reproducible measurement results both in the laboratory and in the field.

Schlötter wins Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award

When it comes to innovation, Dr.-Ing. Max Schlötter GmbH & Co. KG has a lot to offer: On July 13, 2023, the Geislingen-based company was awarded the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Prize of the Kreissparkasse Göppingen, which was presented for the 15th time this year. The prize is awarded every two years by the Kreissparkasse in close cooperation with the Wirtschafts- und Innovationsförderungsgesellschaft of the Landkreis Göppingen (WIF), as well as in cooperation with the IHK Bezirkskammer Göppingen and the Kreishandwerkerschaft Göppingen. A total of 32 companies with newly developed products, services and processes applied for the innovation and entrepreneurship award. Schlötter took part in the competition for the first time and was successful straight away.

The prize was awarded for the copper electrolyte SLOTOCOUP SF 50, which is used in the production of electronic components such as printed circuit boards. In printed circuit boards, copper has the important task of transferring electricity and heat. The aim of research & development at Schlötter was to meet the requirements in the fast-moving mobile phone market, especially for the latest smartphones. The increasing miniaturization in combination with an increasing complexity of the component is constantly changing the requirements for copper plating.

The copper electrolyte SLOTOCOUP SF 50 is designed for filling and metallizing structures with different geometries (conductive tracks, blind vias, through holes). This is possible on inner, build-up and outer layers of printed circuit boards, but also IC substrates. In addition, the copper electrolyte can be used for various manufacturing processes (panel or pattern plating). This makes the electrolyte suitable for the production of electronic components in various sectors with different requirements, for example in the mobile phone, automotive and consumer markets, and allows customers to manufacture a wide range of products without having to change the electrolyte. It has also been possible to significantly increase productivity for customers, as the process sequence can be shortened. With the new copper electrolyte, it is now also possible to manufacture IC substrates, which Schlötter’s previous processes were not capable of doing.

One of Schlötter’s overriding corporate goals is to make a significant contribution to the reduction of resources with the newly developed processes and to reduce the total quantities of chemicals to be used. With the new process, this has been achieved very impressively, as the process times and the overall process stages have been significantly reduced.

With SLOTOCOUP SF 50, customers can carry out several processes simultaneously in one process stage and with one electrolyte system. In this way, Schlötter not only makes a positive contribution to environmental protection, but also increases its own competitiveness.

“Innovations cannot be ordered any more than motivation can be ordered by people, but you can create suitable framework conditions for them and it is always important to us to ensure these framework conditions even in difficult times. In the end, these people make the difference and enable Schlötter to implement real innovations. We accept this award on behalf of the entire Schlötter team and thank them very much”, said Dr. Michael Zöllinger, Managing Director of Schlötter on the occasion of the award ceremony.

The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award is not the first award for Schlötter: In 2018, the company received the Rudolf Eberle Award of the State of Baden-Württemberg, which is endowed with 10,000 EUR and honors innovative products, processes or services.

Schlötter employee wins award as honorary examiner

For many years, Schlötter employee Ingo Messerschmid has been active as an examiner for prospective chemical laboratory technicians. On June 13, 2023, the Stuttgart Region Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) now awarded him the gold pin of honor for 15 years of examiner activity.

“The IHK cannot do without honorary examiners in the area of training and further education. Their commitment ensures the qualification of tomorrow’s skilled workers. With this award, we would like to thank all examiners for their tireless commitment,” says IHK President Marjoke Breuning.

Ingo Messerschmid has been involved in voluntary work since his childhood because it was modeled on him: “It is only through the voluntary commitment of individuals that the social structure and common togetherness to which we are all accustomed can function. By volunteering, everyone can make a positive contribution to society.” He has been an instructor since 2006 and an IHK examiner since 2008. “I came to the examiner job through my instructor, and I really enjoy it. As an examiner, you can keep up with current trends and know exactly how exams are conducted, what is tested and where the focus of the exam lies,” Messerschmid says. The trainees he supervises also benefit from his knowledge: he can prepare them optimally for the exam. His goal is for his trainees to score good or very good on the exam. “I manage to do that” he says. He estimates that in his professional life he has already trained a total of between 30 and 40 prospective chemical lab technicians, including the apprentices at Schlötter, where he has worked as a chemical technician since 2015. In addition to his role as a trainer, Ingo Messerschmid is active in Research & Development at Schlötter, where he develops anodizing products for the anodization of aluminum. The management congratulates Ingo Messerschmied on this well-deserved award.

Schlötter on A3TS 2023

Heat treatments and surface treatments at the time of electrification of mobility and digital factory is the motto of this year’s meeting of the French industry association A3TS, which will be held in Mulhouse on 5-7 July. Dr.-Ing. Max Schlötter GmbH & Co. KG will be represented there on stand no. 75. Marwane Lahsini will give a lecture on Thursday, 6 July, on the subject of New Technology for Alkaline Zinc-Nickel Baths of the Future “Generation VX”. The focus will be on the patented zinc-nickel bath SLOTOLOY ZN 210 VX (drum application), which has already proven itself in practice. The zinc-nickel baths of Generation VX are characterised by low chemical, nickel and energy consumption during coating and cooling. Thanks to a special anode, the formation of cyanides during plating is largely prevented.

New Member of the Schlötter Group: ICOTRON AB

We welcome a new member in the Schlötter Group. Schlötter Svenska AB acquired ICOTRON AB in Skillingaryd (Sweden) in the beginning of the year. The new subsidiary in the Schlötter Group is a well-known brand within the surface treatment industry as a turnkey supplier within powder coating solutions. Icotron can supply their customers with various services ranging from complete industrial coating plants to single components as dryers, ovens, process water treatment systems and conveyor systems. They can help their customers through the whole chain from planning and design to production, assembly, and service.

Ein Tag als Oberflächenbeschichterin – Girls‘ Day am 27.04.2023

Schlötter macht mit beim Girls‘ Day 2023, der in diesem Jahr am 27. April stattfindet. Beim Girls‘ Day lernen Mädchen MINT-Ausbildungsberufe kennen, bei denen der Anteil der weiblichen Auszubildenden unter 40% liegt. Bei Schlötter hast du die Möglichkeit, den Beruf der Oberflächenbeschichterin kennenzulernen und einen Tag in unserem Technikum zu verbringen. Als Oberflächenbeschichterin überziehst du Metalloberflächen oder Nichtmetalle wie Porzellan oder Kunststoff mit metallischen Schichten aus Zink, Nickel, Kupfer, Gold oder anderen Metallen, um diese zu veredeln, vor Korrosion zu schützen oder stromleitend zu machen. Dieser Prozess wird auch als „Galvanisieren“ bezeichnet. In deinem Alltag bist du von vielen Gegenständen umgeben, die galvanisiert wurden, z. B. die Duschköpfe und Armaturen im Bad, Einkaufswägen oder Leiterplatten in Smartphones. Wenn du dich für Chemie interessierst und gerne handwerklich arbeitest, ist Oberflächenbeschichterin vielleicht der richtige Beruf für dich. Wenn du am Girls‘ Day bei Schlötter teilnehmen möchtest, kannst du dich entweder online beim Girls‘ Day Radar anmelden oder du rufst uns einfach an unter Tel. 07331-205108 (Frau Aysun Halcin).

Fastener Fair Global 2023

Fastener Fair Global is the meeting place for leading companies in the fastener and fixing industry and offers an ideal opportunity to exchange knowledge.

Dr.-Ing. Max Schlötter GmbH & Co.KG will present its developments in the field of electroplating processes at booth 3550 (hall 7). In addition, in cooperation with iChemAnalytics, we will be showing an innovative high-precision tension measurement instrument for in-process monitoring of materials and processes to prevent hydrogen-induced embrittlement.

  • The Pickle Degreaser SLOTOCLEAN BEF 1790 is the result of development work with the tension measurement instrument of iChemAnalytics. The result is an optimum inhibiting effect even with high-strength steel grades and a reproducibly low tendency to material defects.
  • With the patented alkaline Zinc-Nickel SLOTOLOY ZN 210 VX, energy consumption is reduced by up to 30% thanks to new innovative anode technology.
  • The boric acid-free weak acid Zinc-Nickel SLOTOLOY ZN 1000 works with a significantly lower metal content and reduces raw material costs.
  • The new innovative Sealant SLOTOFIN GM 2450 meets the current OEM requirements of MBN 10.544 and VW 01131.

We are looking forward to your visit and lively discussions in the field of electroplated coatings.