Spitzenforschung zu grünem Wasserstoff zu Gast in Geislingen June 13th, 2024 | Julia Krämer | News EN Auf dem Weg zu einer klimaneutralen Zukunft spielt das kleine Molekül Wasserstoff eine Hauptrolle. Als Rohstoff zum Beispiel in der chemischen Industrie, bei der Herstellung von Stahl oder als Speichermedium für erneuerbare Energie, ist grüner Wasserstoff ein Schlüsselelement. Damit Wasserstoff seiner Rolle in einer klimaneutralen Zukunft gerecht werden kann, muss er in großen Mengen und zu wettbewerbsfähigen Preisen hergestellt werden können. Dafür ist es zwingend notwendig, dass preiswerte, robuste und in Serie herstellbare Elektrolyseure entwickelt werden. Das vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) geförderte Wasserstoff Leitprojektes H2Giga treibt diese Entwicklung voran. Dazu zählt die Erforschung der sogenannten AEM-Elektrolyse (Elektrolyse an Anionen-leitenden Membranen) im Verbundprojekt “AEM-Direkt”. Im Verbund führender Forschungseinrichtungen und international bekannter Firmen kommt der Geislinger Traditionsfirma Dr.-Ing. Max Schlötter GmbH & Co. KG die Aufgabe zu, Membrane metallisch zu beschichten und daraus einen serienreifen Prozess zu entwickeln. Damit kann das Unternehmen einmal mehr die Leistungsfähigkeit moderner Galvanotechnik unter Beweis stellen. Nach dem letzten Projekttreffen am Fritz-Haber-Institut in Berlin ist das Konsortium dieses Mal bei Schlötter in Geislingen zu Gast. Bei einer Werksführung erhielten die Teilnehmenden Einblicke in die Fertigung und Entwicklung hochmoderner Prozesschemikalien. Während des Treffens tauschten die Projektpartner Fortschritte in den Teilprojekten aus und inspirierten sich gegenseitig mit neuen Impulsen für die kommenden Meilensteine. Projektpartner: #DLR, #Helmholtz Institut Erlangen-Nürnberg, #Max-Planck-Institut Berlin, #Forschungszentrum Jülich, #Fritz-Haber-Institut, #TU Berlin, #Siemens Energy, #EvonikOperations, #Aalberts Surface Technologies, #K&S GmbH, #Schlötter Galvanotechnik
Chemisch-Nickel May 24th, 2024 | Julia Krämer | News EN Chemisch-Nickel – ein Verfahren, das in zahlreichen Lebensbereichen unverzichtbar ist! Chemisch-Nickel-Schichten sind nicht nur besonders verschleißfest und außergewöhnlich chemisch beständig, sie sind auch deutlich härter als herkömmliche galvanische Nickelschichten. Chemisch-Nickel-Schichten eignen sich besonders für Bauteile mit komplexen Geometrien, da sich mit diesem Verfahren konturentreue und gleichmäßige Überzüge abscheiden lassen. Auch wir bei Schlötter entwickeln seit vielen Jahren Produkte im Bereich Chemisch-Nickel und setzen bei unseren Verfahren auf Qualität und Effizienz. Dabei spielen Umweltschutz und Nachhaltigkeit eine besondere Rolle. Unsere Verfahren der SLOTONIP-Reihe zeichnen sich durch ihre herausragende Stabilität und Robustheit aus. Möchten Sie mehr über unsere Verfahren zur SLOTONIP-Reihe erfahren, dann besuchen Sie uns auf unserem Messestand (Halle 1/ C28) bei der Surface Technology Germany.
Girls’ Day at Schlötter in Geislingen: Schoolgirls discover the world of electroplating and enjoy the famous Schlötter hamburger!” April 26th, 2024 | Stefanie Geldbach Dr. | News EN On 25 April 2024, as part of Girls’ Day, Dr.-Ing. Max Schlötter GmbH & Co. KG in Geislingen opened its doors to twelve schoolgirls from Year 7 at Schubert Realschule and Year 9 at Tegelbergschule, both in Geislingen. Dr Stefanie Geldbach, one of the owners of Schlötter, gave the young visitors a warm welcome. The aim of the visit was to raise enthusiasm for professions such as surface coater and chemical laboratory assistant. Women are still significantly underrepresented in the so-called MINT professions (maths, IT, natural sciences, technology). Many girls do not realise their potential in these areas and then opt for typically female professions. It was therefore important to Schlötter’s trainers to show interested schoolgirls a wide range of career options at an early stage of their career orientation. The schoolgirls were given an insight into the fascinating world of surface coating and had the opportunity – in addition to “hands-on” experiments – to get a taste of our company in the technical centre, the SEM laboratory, the organic chemistry laboratory and the analytics department.
One Day as Electroplater March 13th, 2024 | Stefanie Geldbach Dr. | News EN Are you interested in chemistry and enjoy working with your hands? Then electroplater might be the perfect job for you. At Schlötter, you have the chance to get to know this exciting profession and spend a day in our technical centre on this year’s Girls’ Day, 25 April 2024. As an electroplater, you coat metals or other materials such as porcelain or plastic with thin layers of zinc, nickel, copper, gold or other metals to refine them, protect them from corrosion or make them conductive. This is also known as “electroplating”. Imagine if you could use your skills to beautify and protect shower heads and taps in the bathroom, shopping trolleys or even the circuit boards in smartphones! So if you like experimenting, are a talented craftsman and want to do something that makes a real difference, then working as an electroplater could be just the thing for you! Let’s find out together if this is your dream job. Your contact person is Mrs Hommel from our HR department (Tel. 07331-205 201 / e-mail: amelie.hommel@schloetter.de)
Dr.-Ing. Max Schlötter GmbH & Co. KG receives Superior Supplier Award from Founder February 2nd, 2024 | Stefanie Geldbach Dr. | News EN Dr.-Ing. Max Schlötter GmbH & Co. KG is proud to have received the “Outstanding Supplier” award from the FOUNDER Group, one of the most important technology companies in China. This award recognises our outstanding quality and excellence that we have demonstrated over a decade of partnership. We would like to thank our valued customer, FOUNDER, for this special sign of trust and excellent cooperation. Our long-standing partnership with FOUNDER has been characterised by mutual growth and shared successes. As one of only four suppliers worldwide to be honoured with this prestigious award, we feel a great sense of gratitude. This recognition reflects the hard work and dedication of our entire Schlötter team, who continually strive to deliver only the best. “The Superior Supplier Award from FOUNDER is an honour and a proof of the hard work and dedication of our team. We are proud to be one of the few suppliers to receive this award. This encourages us to deepen our focus on quality and innovation even further” says Schlötter CEO, Dr Michael Zöllinger. We look forward to the future and look forward to many more years of successful co-operation. We share this honour with all Schlötter employees around the globe.
Schlötter’s new branch office in Taiwan January 22nd, 2024 | Stefanie Geldbach Dr. | News EN Dr.-Ing. Max Schlötter GmbH & Co. KG opened a new branch office in Taipei (Taiwan) in December 2023. The expansion into the Taiwanese market underlines Schlötter’s ongoing commitment to the region. Schlötter’s products have been sold in Taiwan with great success for more than 30 years. In particular, Schlötter’s high-performance copper electrolytes for the PCB industry have established themselves as reliable and innovative solutions. After Schlötter’s long-standing distribution partner withdrew, Schlötter decided to establish its own branch office and offer its entire product range. The opening of a branch in Taiwan enables Schlötter to be even closer to its customers and to offer even faster and more efficient support. The branch has its own laboratory so that employees can carry out analyses for customers. The decision in favour of Taipei as a location underlines not only the economic importance of Taiwan, but also Schlötter’s confidence in the promising prospects of the Taiwanese market. With this new presence, Schlötter strengthens its position as a strategic partner for the electronics and PCB industry in the region. The year 2023 already marked a significant milestone for Schlötter when the company had its own stand at the TPCA Show (Taiwan Printed Circuit Association) for the first time. The show provided an excellent platform to present the latest innovations and developments to the industry and deepen relationships with local customers. The director of the new branch office is Nick Yang, who has more than 30 years of professional experience in the electronics and PCB industry and is very familiar with the market. For further information please contact: Nick Yang 愛爾蘭商施洛特有限公司台灣分公司 Schloetter (IRELAND) DAC, TAIWAN BRANCH 4F., No. 176-2, Zhongshan 2nd Rd, Luzhou Dist, New Taipei City 247015 Taiwan R.O.C. 台灣新北市 247015 蘆洲區中山二路176之2號4樓 Phone: +886-920263669 E-Mail: nick.yang@schloetter.de
Exciting news from the world of PCB production November 13th, 2023 | Stefanie Geldbach Dr. | News EN In the current era of global megatrends such as big data, AI and 5G, the landscape of electronic component and PCB production is undergoing a profound transformation. The demand for advanced technologies has led to a new era of higher integration densities and increased complexity in PCB design. To meet these challenges head-on, innovative production processes such as mSAP and SAP have emerged as industry standards. Today, we are pleased to announce a significant breakthrough with our copper electrolyte SLOTOCOUP SF 50- designed to meet and exceed the industry’s new requirements. SLOTOCOUP SF 50 is a universal solution aimed at meeting the dynamic demands of modern PCB and IC substrate manufacturing. One of its outstanding features is the ability to perform the build-up of conductive patterns, the filling of blind vias and the plating of vias in a single process step. This ground-breaking capability optimises the production process, reduces the number of process steps and ultimately leads to lower error rates and increased productivity. We invite you to experience this innovation at this year’s productronica in Munich! Visit us at booth 221 in hall B3, where we will present SLOTOCOUP SF 50 and have interesting discussions about the future of PCB manufacturing. Join us and discuss the future of the electronics and PCB industry at productronica 2023.
Productronica 2023: Schlötter is Part of it November 9th, 2023 | Stefanie Geldbach Dr. | News EN From November 14-17, 2023, Schlötter will be represented at productronica in Munich, which takes place this year from November 14-17, 2023. As the world’s leading trade fair, productronica presents the full range of technologies and solutions for electronics manufacturing and provides insights into the latest trends. Every two years, the world of electronics manufacturing meets in Munich and exhibitors and visitors from all over the world make productronica an important meeting place and source of inspiration for the industry. The cleaners SLOTOCLEAN S 20, SLOTOCLEAN 40 and SLOTOCLEAN S 80, which have an excellent cleaning and wetting effect and are an important basic requirement for filling blind vias. The micro etches SLOTOCLEAN S 40 and SLOTETCH 584, which combine deoxidation with a defined etch rate depending on the application. The SLOTOCOUP SF 50, SLOTOCOUP XF 60 and SLOTOCOUP SF 1960 copper baths, which are used with great success for filling and metallising structures with different geometries (conductor tracks, blind holes, through-holes). The SLOTOCOUP PRT 2200 and 3300 (pulse reverse) copper baths are used to achieve conformal coating of high aspect ratios. The SAT 20-1 tin baths and the new bisphenol-free SLOTOTIN MT 1460 tin bath have a high covering capacity and etch resistance even at low coating thicknesses. At the same time, the deposited tin coatings have a very low tendency to whisker formation due to their grain structure and low carbon content. as well as a physical test bench developed together with iChemAnalytics to investigate whisker formation and tribological properties of coatings. The test stand is a world first and the tests can be carried out at different temperatures and in the absence of oxygen. Schlötter also focuses on the CO2 footprint and explains the CO2 footprint of the products on offer and how CO2 emissions can be minimised when using Schlötter processes. The company has set itself the goal of becoming CO2-neutral by 2030 and would also like to support its customers and partners in this endeavour. We look forward to your visit in Hall B3, Stand N-221
Companies with the best vocational training November 3rd, 2023 | Stefanie Geldbach Dr. | News EN, Uncategorized We are delighted that Schlötter has been recognised as one of the best training companies in the category of 100-500 employees, scoring 80.4/100 points. For the third time this year, the market research institute SWI Finance conducted a study on behalf of the Handelsblatt to determine which companies in Germany are leaders in vocational training. More than 2,300 companies took part, 207 of which were honoured. This is recognition of our excellent training programmes and the commitment of our teams. We are proud of this award and will continue to work to support and develop young talent. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this success! https://www.handelsblatt.com/29462622.html?share=mail
Corporate Carbon Footprint October 23rd, 2023 | Stefanie Geldbach Dr. | News EN The time has finally come – our company’s greenhouse gas balances for 2020 and 2021 have been finalised and verified by TÜV Süd. Our company’s greenhouse gas emissions have been recorded since 2020. A report on our corporate carbon footprint is prepared annually for this purpose; 2021 is used as the base year. The calculation is carried out in accordance with the DIN EN ISO 14064-1 standard, whereby the emissions are divided into Scope 1, 2 and 3 in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Scope 1 emissions describe all emissions that arise directly in our company, e.g. our vehicle fleet or gas used for energy supply. Indirect emissions from purchased energy, such as our electricity, are summarised under Scope 2 emissions. All other emissions, e.g. from purchased goods, transport, business trips and commuter traffic, belong to Scope 3 emissions. The reports and the associated verification statements can be found in the download area of our website. The following emissions result for the two years when all scopes are considered: 2020: 15,990 tonnes of CO2e 2021: 18,527 tonnes of CO2e