Schlötter is new Cooperation Partner of Polestar

Everything starts and ends at zero. The task: to build a CO₂-neutral car.

The Polestar 0 project was launched in 2021 with the conviction that the automotive industry needs a complete overhaul. While the shift to electric cars eliminates exhaust emissions, Polestar recognises the need to urgently address the emissions that occur during production. The ambitious goal of the Polestar 0 project is to eliminate all CO₂ sources throughout the supply chain, from raw material extraction to material and vehicle production to delivery and end-of-life, without relying on misleading compensation programs.

Hans Pehrson, head of the Polestar 0 project, comments: “My conviction in the success of the Polestar 0 project is reaffirmed every time we meet with new collaborators. It’s clear that there is immense potential to tap into around the globe. Achieving the seemingly impossible is never a one-man show. It is only through collective action that we can achieve the breakthroughs that truly make a difference and find the transformative solutions that go beyond the car industry.”

Basic materials research is fundamental, so bio-sources and mining, followed by refining and man-made materials, are key to success. More academic and corporate partners are needed, and the search for suppliers of raw materials, bio-based chemicals, polymers, electrical components, noble gases and other basic materials continues. With the goal of bringing the car to market by 2030, solving the remaining missing elements is of utmost urgency.
For the Polestar 0 project, Schlötter will focus on capturing and visualising all greenhouse gas emissions associated with the existing supply chain and end-of-life of electroplating chemicals and processes in electronics and corrosion protection.

A Strong Team with a lot of Experience and Vision

We are very pleased to have appointed Dietmar Stork as Head of Sales for Schlötter Galvanotechnik. Dietmar Stork has been working for Schlötter for more than 25 years and started in the service department directly after his studies in surface technology and materials science, before moving to the sales department shortly afterwards. In his function as Area Representative, Mr. Stork has very successfully developed the area in the south-west of Germany and parts of France over the last decades. We wish Mr. Stork all the best for his new central function in the company and just as much success as he had in the sales force.
Thomas Haberfellner, who was responsible for sales, service and the Chemicals Business Division until the end of 2022, will focus on the Chemicals Business Division in the future and will be responsible for developing new markets.
Dennis Arnhold, the newcomer and successor to Dietmar Stork, will use his experience as a service technician and his expertise from his studies in surface and materials engineering to provide Schlötter’s customers with the best possible individual support. The team of national and international sales staff at Schlötter is looking forward to the reinforcement and the future cooperation.

Outdoor training for Apprentices and Trainers at Schlötter Galvanotechnik

“After the long pandemic period, we finally get to position ourselves as an attractive employer in the region again and show how much we care about the further development of our employees,” said Dr. Michael Zöllinger, Managing Director of Dr.-Ing. Max Schlötter GmbH und Co. KG, on the occasion of the trainees’ team outdoor training. Despite unfavorable weather conditions and an outside temperature of 10 degrees, ten apprentices and six trainers with two coaches set out last Thursday for the outdoor team training at the Geislinger Albtrauf.

With hats, rain gear and thermos flasks in their backpacks, the team consisting of apprentices from the first to the third year of training set off. The high diversity of the team was evident in the wide variety of training directions: Chemical laboratory assistants, chemical technicians, industrial clerks, production specialists, surface platers and industrial mechanics. After a short introduction by two external trainers, the team started with the outdoor course. For the trainees who started their training on the first of September, the training was also intended to promote faster mutual getting to know each other in order to be optimally prepared for their new tasks and the work in the respective in-house teams.

As new members of Dr.-Ing. Max Schlötter GmbH und Co. KG, Managing Director Dr. Michael Zöllinger was particularly keen to ensure that the corporate values lived at Schlötter were brought home to the new trainees.

The focus of the training was on teamwork with special attention to communication among each other, the ability to take criticism and consideration for individual strengths and weaknesses. “Moving the team tasks into the forest was exciting and the best part of the day was getting to know all the Schlötter trainees” said Sarah Habdank, first-year industrial clerk.

After this training, our trainees as well as our trainers are convinced that such an active workshop has a long-term effect and puts teamwork on a better footing.

Vortrag von Schlötter auf den ZVO-Oberflächentagen

Die diesjährigen ZVO-Oberflächentage finden nach der Premiere 2018 zum zweiten Mal in Leipzig statt. Vom 14.-16. September 2022 trifft sich die Branche im Congress Center Leipzig. Im Rahmen der Oberflächentage erwartet die Besucher auch ein spannendes, vier- bzw. fünfzügiges Vortragsprogramm.
Von der Dr.-Ing. Max Schlötter GmbH & Co. KG hält Dr. Anna-Theresa Schmidt am Donnerstag, den 15. September um 10.50 Uhr, einen Vortrag zum Thema “Erstellung eines CO2-Fußabdrucks”, was ein wichtiger Schritt auf dem Weg zur Klimaneutralität eines Unternehmens ist. Anhand eines Beispiels zeigt sie den Weg azf, wie man von der Planung zu einem Corporate Carbon Footprint gelangt und welche Resultate man daraus ziehen kann. In der Industrie haben die Scope 3 Emissionen häufig eine beachtliche Rolle (etwa 70 %), weshalb bei der Erstellung des CCF sowohl Scope 1, Scope 2 und Scope 3 Emissionen betrachtet werden.

New sales partner in Italy

Dantecaneva S.r.l has been our competent distribution partner in Italy for many years.

At the end of the year, Dr. Alberto Todescan will hand over part of his shares to Kemia S.r.l., Arezzo. We are glad to announce we have reached an agreement on future cooperation with Kemia S.r.l. signed by its owner Mr. Mario Stanghini on a handshake at Surface Technology Germany 2022 in Stuttgart.

In the future, the group Kemia S.r.l. and Dantecaneva S.r.l.  will include in their sales program the exclusive distribution in Italy of the product range of Dr.-Ing. Max Schlötter GmbH & Co. KG. Consequently, their customers can rely on an efficient commercial organization and on accurate technical assistance, guaranteed by the competence and the equipment that are the peculiarity of the new group.

Neuer Vertriebspartner in Italien

Die Firma Dantecaneva S.r.l. ist seit vielen Jahren unser kompetenter Vertriebspartner in Italien. Zum Jahresende wird Dr. Alberto Todescan einen Teil seiner Firma an die Kemia S.r.l., Arezzo, übergeben. Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass wir mit der Kemia S.r.l. eine Vereinbarung über die künftige Zusammenarbeit getroffen haben, die von ihrem Eigentümer, Herrn Mario Stanghini, auf der Surface Technology Germany 2022 in Stuttgart per Handschlag unterzeichnet wurde.

Die Gruppe Kemia S.r.l. und Dantecaneva S.r.l. werden in Zukunft den Exklusivvertrieb in Italien für die Produktpalette der Dr.-Ing. Max Schlötter GmbH & Co. KG übernehmen. Die Kunden können sich somit auf eine effiziente Handelsorganisation und eine optimale technische Unterstützung verlassen, die durch die Kompetenz und die Ausstattung der neuen Gruppe gewährleistet wird.


Tradition verbindet

Seit genau 110 Jahre gibt es die Dr.-Ing. Max Schlötter GmbH & Co. KG und seit über 70 Jahren sind wir Geislingen an der Steige daheim. Fest verankert in der 5-Täler-Stadt sind wir ein familiengeführtes Unternehmen geblieben, bereits in der 4. Generation. Unseren Firmeninhabern war es von jeher wichtig, den Standort in Geislingen zu sichern und zu fördern. Dabei fühlt man sich auch der Region verbunden und verpflichtet.

Dass Tradition und die Liebe zur Region verbindet, zeigt unsere Social-Media-Kampagne mit der Kaiser Brauerei aus Geislingen. Echte schwäbische Braukunst trifft Galvanotechnik und herauskommt feinstes Kaiser Export mit vergoldeten Bügelflaschen und Etiketten im Schlötter-Jubiläums-Design.

Wer mit uns feiern und einen Bierkasten gewinnen möchte, folgt uns und der Kaiser-Brauerei auf Instagram oder Facebook. Genauere Information zu unserem Gewinnspiel erfahren Sie auf unseren Social-Media-Kanälen.


Schlötter focuses on energy saving at SurfaceTechnology 2022

SurfaceTechnology Germany is back at last! After the cancellation of the trade fair in 2020 due to Corona, the industry is looking forward to SurfaceTechnology 2022, which will take place in Stuttgart from 21-23 June 2022. Around 220 national and international exhibitors will present the most important trends in surface technology at the trade fair. SurfaceTechnology Germany has a fixed place in the trade fair calendar of Dr.-Ing. Max Schlötter GmbH & Co. KG. As a solution provider, Schlötter will be presenting holistic solutions for electroplating chemistry, plant technology and service at the trade fair (Hall 1, Stand C28). In 2022, Schlötter will also celebrate its 110th anniversary; the company was founded by Dr.-Ing. Max Schlötter in Leipzig in 1912.

Schlötter’s product highlights at SurfaceTechnology are: The patented alkaline zinc-nickel alloy baths of the SLOTOLOY ZN VX product family, SLOTOLOY ZN 210 VX (barrel application) and SLOTOLOY ZN 80 VX (rack application), which have consistently proven themselves in practice. A special anode largely prevents the formation of cyanides during deposition of the zinc-nickel layer. A low-cost alternative to membrane systems, Schlötter’s SLOTOLOY ZN VX technology has proven to reduce consumption of chemistry, nickel and energy during deposition and cooling. The overall energy required for coating and cooling is reduced by up to 35%. Together with Passivation SLOTOPAS ZNT 80 and Sealant GM 2450 , SLOTOLOY ZN VX processes form a perfect trio in terms of corrosion protection and tribological properties. Sealant GM 2450, which will also be presented in the expert forum, meets the new standards for lubricant-containing sealants for fasteners. Sealant GM 2450 fulfils the requirements of the specifications VW 01131 and MBN 10544.

Together with iChemAnalytics, Schlötter will also present a new type of test stand at their booth, which enables in-process monitoring of hydrogen absorption. Within a test period of 60 – 120 seconds, it is possible to obtain reliable key figures and process monitoring with regard to hydrogen embrittlement. Among others, it is possible to monitor hydrogen evolution in pre-treatment processes. With the pickle degreaser SLOTOCLEAN BEF 1790, Schlötter has developed a product that effectively reduces the absorption of hydrogen in the base material. This makes it possible to reduce heat treatment steps such as tempering.

Schlötter is also represented with two talks in the expert forum: In her presentation “No fear of hydrogen embrittlement – an approach for solution” (Wednesday, 22 June, from 11.00 – 11.20 a.m.), Vera Lipp, R&D team leader for PCB and electronics, will be looking at quality assurance in the surface treatment of high-strength fasteners. Oliver Daub from the R&D team for cathodic corrosion protection will present SLOTOFIN GM 2450, a“High-performance sealing for connecting elements” that meets the highest requirements for corrosion protection and friction coefficient (Wednesday, 22 June, 3.20 – 3.40 p.m.). Both talks will be translated into English

We look forward to welcoming you on our stand in Hall 1, C28.

Schlötter on SVTM 2022

A first for Schlötter: For the first time, Dr.-Ing. Max Schlötter GmbH & Co. KG will be represented at SVTM 2022, which will take place in Nantes from 08 – 09 June 2022. The trade show is organised by the association A3TS (Association de traitements thermiques et de traitement de surfaces) which was established in 1969. A3TS has around 800 national and international members. A3TS annual events include a congress with technical lectures and a trade fair for heat treatment, surface technology and vacuum technology, which features around 70 exhibitors. “We see great potential for our company in the French market. The membership in the A3TS association and the participation in the trade fair enable us to ideally present our product portfolio in France,” says Thomas Haberfellner, Head of Sales and Service at Schlötter. Since January 2022, Marwane Lahsini serves Schlötter’s French customers.

Schlötter and RBP

Dr. Ing.- Max Schlötter GmbH & Co. KG announced today that it has signed an exclusive partnership for the North American market with Milwaukee based RBP Chemical Technology, Inc. Founded in 1954, RBP Chemical Technology Inc. has long been known as a leading supplier of surface technologies for Printed circuit Board manufacturing in North America.

With this partnership, Schlötter is further strengthening their market position in surface technology for the manufacture of PCBs and electronic components.

Thomas Haberfellner, Director of Sales and Service stated that “after a thorough search partnering with RBP was the obvious choice. The RBP products, people and approach to the market are second to none, we look forward to expanding our unique capabilities and products to the North America market and customers.”

Ernie Litynski, President of RBP Chemical Technology stated: “through this partnership with a worldwide leader like Schloetter, we can now offer technological solutions throughout the process of metallization and plating to our North American customers. RBP has long been recognized as the leader in surface chemistry and now along with its newly expanded line of direct metallization, electroless, ENIG and now Schloetter electrolytic products, we offer customers solutions to their most difficult designs and processes.”

RBP will increase their market share and widen their product range, which now completes their goal to offer a full line of metallization and plating products used in the manufacturing of Printed Circuit Boards.

RBP and Schloetter will be showcasing their new technology offerings and partnership at IPC Apex Expo next week in San Diego. We would be pleased to welcome you at our booth.